Monday, January 23, 2012

Clothes from 1975... That I'm Glad Haven't Had A Come Back

While going through my grandma's basement (she passed away last month sadly), I found a large stack of old Sears catalogs.  It's been a blast going through them and laughing at the fashions.

There's some retro clothing that's not too bad (I'll post those later), but since it's Sears, there's obviously a lot of really, really bad clothing that I'm glad hasn't had a comeback.

From the Fall/Winter 1975 Sears catalog, here's a sampling of the worst of 1970s fashion:

Hmm, nothing says "masculine" more than a corduroy blazer with a really wide tie.  This guy looks like he's selling used cars and I'm not sure I want to cross that guy on the left below him...

Ah, the leisure suit.  But check out these blouses...  Bad polyester meets really bizarre printed shirts.  And this is juniors clothing!

Wow, these girls are rocking some really rad shirts!   No problems with sagging pants back in 1975 either.

Plaid pants.  What a fashion statement!